So I'm going to post all my Walgreen's trips with the above title. I may have gotten that name from some other blog but I'm not sure where, and since I'm pretty sure it doesn't have a copy right, I'm going with it. And if these posts bore you, just skip them. I won't be offended, I promise. Ok, maybe just a little bit. Kidding! The posts are for my benefit too so I can go back and look at what the best prices on things are.
So, without further ado, here are a couple Walgreen's trips.
On Saturday, I stopped at two Walgreen's in a vain attempt to score some free toothpaste. Alas, it was not to be. A kind cashier informed me that the higher ups hadn't ordered enough toothpaste for the stores so they were totally out. BUT I was still able to get some cheap deodorant and instant coffee:

Total OOP: I lost my receipt! But it was less than 5 bucks and I got $8 RR.
The instant coffee was out at the first 2 stores. I was able to find 4 at the last store by scrounging around at the back of the shelf. They were $1 each and I got back $4 RR when I bought 4.
Today's trip:
4 Quaker Oats, 3 Purex, 1 Herbal Essence shampoo, 1 Herbal Essence hairspray, 1 Colgate, 4 chocolate bunnies
Total OOP: $6.50 and received $5 RR.
So you may have been noticing that all of my pictures have a little something in them that was bought without coupons and seems to be a fluff item. The rule with RRs is that you have to have the same number of items as coupons in order to use the RR. RRs, Wags coupons, and manufacturers coupons all count. I had a total of 14 coupons and RRs so I needed 14 items. So I added in 4 chocolate bunnies at 39 cents each. I'm sure the boys will be glad I did tomorrow. :-)