Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Day 3

Woohoo, made it to day 3!

Here's what I did today:

 I attempted a workout that was just strength but it was kind of boring.  Could've been because I only had 3 lb weights.  This one was better.  We'll see how sore I am tomorrow.


  1. Yay! Go Heather! I'm at about day 12 with no visible results on the scale:( maybe it's all the muscle I'm gaining or I guess it could be the cinnamon rolls I ate. I like pop sugar 10 min workouts on YouTube. Kelly

    1. Definitely the muscle! I think it would def help me if I could kick the sugar habit. I will have to check out pop sugar! Hey, I drove by yesterday on the way home from the dentist and I noticed your backyard is gone. :-(


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