Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Christ Has Blessings to Impart~Gadsby Hymn #956

Christ has blessings to impart,
Grace to save thee from thy fears;
O the love that fills His heart!
Sinner! wipe away thy tears.

Why are thou afraid to come?
Why afraid to tell thy case?
He will not pronounce thy doom;
Smiles are seated on His face.

Though His majesty be great,
Yet His mercy is no less;
Though He thy transgressions hate,
Jesus feels for thy distress.

Raise thy downcast eyes and see,
Numbers do His throne surround;
These were sinners once like thee,
But have full salvation found.

Yield not, then, to unbelief;
Courage, soul, "there yet is room!"
Though of sinners thou art chief,
Come, thou burdened sinner come.

Newton & Upton


  1. This is cute. You must have been thinking of your dear husband when you began typing this hymn. You put Chris instead of Christ. :-)


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