So I was digging through my fridge's freezer yesterday looking for some frozen baked beans and realized I have a lot of odds and ends in there! So I will attempt to use them up in this week's menu.
Mon~Green chile enchiladas, green rice casserole (both from my freezer cooking), and salad
Tues~Chicken noodle soup, rolls (69 cents at Aunt Millie's bakery outlet!)
Wed~Church potluck, probably bringing Spaghetti Pie
Thurs~Pork barbecue, oven fries, veggies
Fri~Steak, baked potatoes in the crockpot, green beans
Sat~Brown rice cassserole, carrots
Sun~Something from the freezer, either Chili Verde or Oriental Chicken over rice
I totally fell off the wagon last week and caved to sweets. So instead of giving up, I'm starting over again and trying to make it two weeks. I lasted one week the first time.
You got the wrong approach. Don't go 100 percent off sweets. Be moderate and take up some exercise. Great rewards will be forthcoming should you do so!