Monday, March 05, 2018

And for the third time...gestational diabetes

(I realize I have not posted in a looong time.  If you didn't know, we are expecting another baby in 9 short weeks.)

During each pregnancy, a woman is tested for diabetes at about 28 weeks.  I had diabetes with Noah and Mabel so I wasn't too surprised to have it again with this pregnancy.  The worst part of the diabetes testing is drinking the super sugary, lovely tasting orange drink.  The woman drawing my blood told me there was 100 grams of sugar in that drink!  That is the equivalent to eating half of a chocolate cake with frosting or eating about 90 gummi worms.  Who does that??  Anyway, my body's blood sugar doesn't come down quite quick enough after consuming that much sugar, so I now have to follow the gestational diabetic diet plan.  Since I've done this twice before, I think I am getting pretty good at it so I thought I'd share what I eat since alot of what I've read online suggests that you will starve on this diet (so not true).  I am getting my glucose meter tomorrow so we will see how well I am doing.  Anyhow, here is what I am eating today and some tips and tricks:

Breakfast (supposed to be eaten within 1/2 hour of getting out of bed):
1 piece of whole grain toast, 1 carb (15 grams)
2 scrambled eggs
Coffee with a touch of creamer

Snack (about 2 hrs later)
An oikos greek yogurt, 1 carb (19 grams)

2/3 of a cup of rice with a serving of that popular eggroll in a bowl, some green beans, and 15 grapes.  The rice is equivalent to 2 carbs (30 grams) and the grapes are 1 carb (about 15 grams).

1 string cheese, 6 black pepper triscuits (1 carb)

Sweet potato, 1 cup is about 2 carbs
Barbecue chicken

An apple, 2 carbs
Popcorn, 1 carb

*Try to pair protein with most of your meals and snacks.

*Hungry?  Don't be.  Most veggies are extremely low carb so load up on veggies.  Avoid carrots, peas, and corn.

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