For the past 3 weeks or so I've been stocking our freezer with meals for before and after baby. I don't have the energy for a monster all day session so I've done smaller chunks once or twice a week and that's been a great way to fill my freezer. I've found in the past that we don't like casseroles too much and tortillas don't freeze the best, so I tried make things I knew we would enjoy eating. Here's a few pics:
Chix broc rice, Chix spaghetti, Chix ench lasagna

San Francisco pork chops
Pork enchilada filling

Chocolate cake
(a necessity!)
Mountain meaballs, brown rice

Baked Chix Penne, Sloppy Joes, Taco Meat
Spaghetti sauce and meatballs

Farmer's Casserole

Beef Goulash, Beef and mushrooms (both crockpot meals)
I definitely prefer this way of freezer cooking. No monster clean up and most of the time, I just doubled whatever we were having for dinner and put the extra in the freezer. And I made my crockpot work for me A LOT! Spaghetti sauce, chili, sloppy joes, taco meat, and pork filling were all made in the crockpot (plus I browned all the ground beef in it). I have about 30 meals in my freezer now. Yay!