Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Grocery Deals this week

At Family Fare:

*Ground beef is $1.85/lb.  Buy a family pack (about 3 lbs) and 3 Kraft cheeses on sale for 3/$5 and get $3 off automatically and $2 OYNO.  I don't normally go to FF, but I'm completely out of ground beef so I'm going to try go this week.  Thanks, Nora!

At Meijer:

*Lay's potato chips are Buy one get one free- Use the $3/1 coupon on facebook here to get them for 65 cents/bag.

*Kraft deal-Buy 10 Kraft products, get $10 OYNO.  I bought Planter's peanuts, cheese, and dressing with some previously printed coupons, but if you don't have any coupons, you can still get shredded cheese for about 88 cents/ package when you buy 10.

*Nabisco, Triscuit, Ritz crackers-$1.33 each when you use the buy 2, get 1 free from

Monday, August 27, 2012

14 weeks

After a very long break, I think I'm ready to get back to blogging a bit.  I'm sure you all know that I'm currently expecting our 5th baby.  I am due February 25, 2013, Lord willing.  I was so tired for the first couple of months that blogging fell by the wayside.  My baby is now about the size of a lemon and I heard the heartbeat for the first time last week.  The boys know mommy has a baby in her tummy, but beyond that, haven't expressed much more about it.  As for gender, we never find out, so you can all be surprised along with us in February.  :-)

And now, I should start the schooling for the day.  We never really quit, but since all the kids around us started school today, it feels more official to do school every day.