Saturday, October 30, 2010
What's cookin'
Tues~Teriyaki pork chops, rice, corn
Wed~Bbcue meatballs, cheesy potatoes, bread, salad
Thurs~Chicken Parmesan with spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, carrots with friends
Fri~Paula Deene's Black Bean soup, crusty bread
Sat~Homemade pizza, raw veggies
Sun~Veggie beef soup, bread, applesauce
Friday, October 29, 2010
Great Reminder from Nancy Leigh DeMoss
The right side is cut off (I am not real computer savvy so not sure how to fix that!), but you get the gist.
Monday, October 25, 2010
What's Cookin'
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Escape!~II Thessalonians 1:9
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Book Recommendation: Nine Day Queen of England by Faith Cook

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Boys Photoshoot 2010
What's Cookin'

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Best Deals at Meijer this week
Monday, October 11, 2010
What's Cookin'
Tues~boys are having grilled cheese, mommy's meeting daddy for lupper :-)
Wed~Fellowship dinner-PW's barbecued meatballs
Thurs~Red Hot-Meeting daddy for dinner
Fri~Stromboli, salad, chips and salsa
Sat~Grilled steak, baked potatoes, green beans
Sun~Meatball veggie soup, bread
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Raspberry Cherry Pie
Monday, October 04, 2010
What's Cookin'---Work in progress
Mon~PW's meatballs, baked potato wedges, cauliflower, salad
Tues~Chicken alfredo, green beans
Wed~Crockpot Dutch soup, rolls, apple crisp
Thurs~Louis Benton Steak house with our Groupon
Sat~Pizza with family
Vagueness or being unspecific - Although prayer involves communion with the Lord and a worshipping frame of mind yet we are to make requests. The story is told of a prayer meeting where one brother seemed to be preaching rather than praying. One sister felt especially troubled by this, so she interrupted by calling out: 'Ask for something!'
Prayers that are unduly personal - very little prayer or desire may be expressed for the conversion of sinners and the furtherance of the gospel: instead, the time is spent in an introspective rehearsing of numerous personal doubts and fears. One preacher described it as 'hanging out the dirty washing for all to see'.
Pride - a desire to be seen and heard. The heart being uplifted at the thought of an opportunity to show others one's 'gift in prayer'. This was the downfall of the Pharisees: they wished to be seen of men. To quote the theologian, Robert Reymond: 'When you pray, remember whose attention you wish to gain.’
To quote Spurgeon again: 'It is necessary to draw near unto God, but it is not required of you to prolong your speech till everyone is longing to hear the word “Amen”'. The only exception I believe is if a spirit of prayer and supplication is poured out upon one member in a special way. They will know, and every spiritually-minded person will know, and will lose sight of the time.
(Taken from our church's bulletin meditation, emphasis mine)