Last Sat, April 8, we had a bunch of family members over to smash our bomb shelter, the hideous cement monstrosity in front of our house. Chris had used a sledgehammer to pound down most of the roof but the walls ended up being a huge job. We rented a jackhammer, but most of the work was done with sledgehammers and some kind of drill. We still have a lot of work to do on it, but we're glad we got started and we are very appreciative of all the hard work our family did for us.
This is basically what we started with, four very thick walls.
We used a truck to pull the top off, here the walls are beginning to crumble.
This is when the walls were down. John and Alice stayed to help some more.
Levi being a big helper after he ate all his meat!
About three weeks ago I started remodeling our bathroom. First, I scraped up all the ugly tile on the floor. That job wasn't so bad. My dad helped me take out the vanity and mirror which cracked into a million pieces when we took it down. Behind the mirror was a huge hole for a built in medicine cabinet and behind the vanity were two holes by the plumbing. Chris' dad did the electrical and also patched some holes for us. But this as far as we are. Hopefully it will be finished up soon.
Here's a picture of the floor after I removed most of the tile. Those of you who have used our bathroom this winter will know why the space heater is next to the toilet!
This is where Chris's dad patched the whole behind the mirror and where we exposed the holes behind the vanity. Fortunately, we're putting up wainscoting so the lower holes don't matter as much.