Chris started his new job last week so he is now entering his second week as Director of Distance Learning at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and he is loving it! Stop in and see him sometime, he would love to show you his office and all the cool techno stuff he gets to use. He also loves the Christian atmosphere--everyone in the building meets every morning for prayer at 9:45. Although he is home later in the evening than when he was teaching, he is home in the morning when the boys get up and is able to stay up later at night.
The boys are continuing to grow. Discipline is a continuing issue with Andrew, but he is also very affectionate and loving. Noah has a mind of his own and is sooo close to walking, but he crawls so fast, a stumbling walk doesn't hold much interest to him yet.
I currently have 7 weeks until baby number 3 arrives and I haven't done a thing yet! I guess all I really need at the moment is some diapers since the baby has a place to sleep and I have plenty of boy clothes. Chris and I are pretty sure its a boy so we will see what the Lord brings. I have been sorely lacking in energy lately, but today I actually got part of my house tidied up. So I'll try keep that momentum going.
Hope everyone enjoys the last month of summer. I am looking forward to slightly cooler weather!