Hope everyone had a great Christmas. We were pretty busy, we didn't even really have a birthday party for Andrew, although he got tons of presents and cake so I think he fared pretty well. We have a parking garage in his bedroom now. We were able to visit relatives in Canada that we haven't seen in quite awhile. Hopefully we will be able to come again this summer with the new baby.
Well, our house is for sale and we actually got an offer last week! Yeah!! We are still negotiating, but we think this will probably go through in the next week or so. We are going out this week with our realtor to look at available houses so that is exciting.
As for my pregnancy, I found out a few weeks ago I have gestational diabetes so I've been watching my carbs carefully and have actually lost 4 lbs in the last two weeks! I guess that shows how bad my diet was before! I will probably be induced before 40 weeks so about 5 weeks to go! Now I really have to get the baby stuff ready, probably should have started a while ago.
Andrew continues to grow and develop. He is really starting to talk and he is actually starting to play with his toys more. Here are some pictures of him and him and Chris, he loves to play rough with daddy.

Andrew and daddy heading out into the snow.

Andrew playing with daddy.

Andrew in daddy's shoes.